Environmental Policy Statement
Formula Chemicals NSW Pty Ltd is focused on achieving continual environmental improvement (PDCA Model) through the development and implementation of an Environmental Management System which has objectives and targets set out below:
- Produce, Store, Transport, Use and Dispose of Chemicals in a manner that protects the Environment as well as the Health and Safety of the employees and the public
- Comply with all laws, Regulations and Standards applicable to our products, processes and waste
- Actively pursue reduction of the generation of waste and the discharge of contaminants to the environment in line with the context of our Organization.
- Commit to continual improvement by setting and reviewing objectives and targets
- Project Leadership by training and educating all employees with the responsibility for the environmental performance in his/her department
- Being a good neighbour, citizen and role model for others to follow by promoting our objectives, targets and responding positively to enquires and suggestions from both internal and external sources
Leigh Smart
January 2018

Formula Chemicals has implemented a variety of systems in line with our Environmental Policy to ensure we continually met our objectives.

Formula Chemicals purchased the first Hino Hybrid Truck into Australia to further our commitment to a cleaner environment. Although the truck has restrictions in power and weight, once the technology is refined for the trucking industry, we believe the technology would work in small to medium trucking applications.
We had a major issue with the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as one of their Inspectors claimed that we could not carry dangerous goods on a hybrid truck. After discussion with Senior Management at the EPA, we were granted the approval to use this truck for the carriage of dangerous goods as the Regulations had not kept up with technology.
Formula Chemicals has a Heavy Vehicle Replacement Program where the trucks are replaced every 3 years
so that the fleet has the most current vehicle emission and safety systems available. The fleet is currently Euro 6 compliant.
Solar panels
Formula implemented 166 X 500-watt silver solar panels onto the roof areas of 82, 84, 86 & 88 in 2015. These solar panels are capable of producing 52kW of power which is consumed in our manufacturing facility. Since solar energy is produced 7 days per week, any excess power produced outside manufacturing times, is sold back to the Energy supplier grid making out operation extremely efficient.
LED lights
In conjunction with the installation of the solar panels and to reduce our power consumption even further and widen our green foot print, Formula replaced our CCFL lights with LED lighting throughout all factories and outside yards. The asbestos roof in 88 Hermitage Road was also replaced and the new roof containing clear roofing panels was installed eliminating artificial lighting in this warehouse during normal daylight operation.
RO Plant
A recent requirement of some of Formulas large customers is the use of contaminate free water in their formulations i.e. glass and chrome cleaners. Other types of products requiring this type of water include water treatment, food and pharmaceutical. Rather than purchase this water at a premium price, Formula installed our very own reverse osmosis plant which process 15,000L of water per day and filters the town water down to 6 microns.
Trade waste
Wherever possible Formula endeavours to recycle our waste. Waste derived from chemical bags which are contaminated is the largest issue. These bags have to be disposed directly to landfill. At present this represents 38.5% of our total dry waste generated from the plant. All drums and non-returnable Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC’s) are recycled into the Formula fleet. Formula continues to reduce our Trade Waste effluent to Sydney Water infrastructure. Continuous monitoring and treating the discharges have reduced our cost substantially in this area. As Leigh notes “Charges are at an all-time low due to the diligence of staff and management in monitoring and treating the effluent before discharge. We know what Sydney Water expects so we are fully compliant with their expectations and in turn reducers our trade waste account”.
Hybrid Hino truck
Formula Chemicals continues to purchase hybrid Hino truck to further our commitment to a cleaner environment. Although the truck itself has restrictions (power and weight) once the technology is refined for the trucking industry, we believe the technology would work in small to medium trucking applications. Formula Chemicals continues to deliver goods in the truck to our Sydney metro customer base.